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About Amanda

Amanda Evans is a Family Play-Based Healer, Teacher, Speaker,
Best-selling Author, and Master Life Coach meets Mary Poppins!

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Amanda Evans is passionate about supporting families to be their happiest, healthiest & most aligned selves.


Her own healing and Master Coaching journey has taught her so much about the extraordinary healing powers of love, connection and play. In her work with families, she teaches the importance of learning to "make friends with your feelings", PLAY through life's challenges and learn tools to better connect and communicate as a family. 


Amanda teaches parents about the benefits of play: how to use play as an effective strategy to regulate yours & your child's emotions and nervous system so you can feel happier, calmer & have a closer parent-child relationship!


In her family practice, Amanda coaches conscious parents who are triggered by their child's tantrums, big emotions, and disempowering labels to parent them with greater ease, connection, presence and PLAY! 


Amanda is a dog mama and a lover of little humans and the little moments (that really are the BIG ones!)

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What Children Share About Amanda:

 “Amanda is phenomenal!

"Amanda is my best friend and older sister in one -  she is uplifting, creative, always kind and listens to me with respect. She helps me learn how to stay calm and breathe.

I like how she helps me to feel positive and happy.”

- Elise, Age 8


"I would recommend Amanda to everyone. She's very good.

Amanda's best qualities and strengths are speaking and telling her feelings and stories,

her braveness, smartness & everything. I love Amanda. I loved being able to share my feelings, play (A LOT) and that I could tell her anything. 

-Lily, Age 8


“EVERYTHING is the best part of Amanda. I love her presence, attention and enthusiasm for play”

- Clark, Age 5 (Shared, in his mom’s words). 

“Amanda is Fun! She tells good stories. I like her unicorn and colourful rocks.”

-Ewan, Age 4



Help families live and heal through love, connection and play.
To live in a world based on unconditional love where families experience greater health, happiness, and harmony together. 


Core Values

Connection + PLAY
Love + Acceptance
Kindness + Compassion
Personal Growth

These are a few of my Favourite Things



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The Sound of Music 
(I have always loved Maria...and also love Mary Poppins!!!)



Hey Soul Sister by Train, Faith by George Michael and anything Motown :) (and can never go wrong with a dance along song like the YMCA and the macarena...or a non-stop Taylor Swift, Spice Girls or Backstreet Boys sing-a-long!)

Ways to play

Playing with little ones (and enjoying the little moments - they truly are everything!), meditating, reading, baking, singing, dancing, yoga, swimming, nature walks and hikes, connecting and spending time with loved ones, especially over coffee and/or chocolate!

Childhood games

Barbies, House/Family (playing the “mom”), Jenga, and hide and seek!

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Having one of those moments where you feel overwhelmed, stressed, and unsure how to support your little one when their big feelings and tantrums hits?

Let’s meet you where you are at with some tools, tips, and toys to help calm that storm to get to the RAINBOW on the other side! (a closer connection)!

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Or maybe you're ready to take a PAUSE in your day and press PLAY on an awesome FREE meditation to tap into your inner playful and aligned parent?

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You'll gain free access to my meditations so you can feel more ease, calm, PLAY, presence, and inner joy in your parenting experience.

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Logo created by Elisabeth Bradley, inspired by artwork by Elise McDonagh-Vella and Doreen Smith


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